
Judicial Revolt

Over the past three years we’ve seen a flood of disastrous 6-3 decisions come out of the Supreme Court, upending centuries of established law. While most of us have concentrated on the real-world impact, from women forced to bear non-viable fetuses to public schools engaging in religions indoctrination to Donald Trump being granted what amounts […]

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A tale of two universes

A few years ago there was an article about a Western Union employee whose job was to talk people out of wiring their life savings to scammers. At one point they describe a woman clearly in panic. In one hand she held her own cell phone with the scammer still on the line and insisting

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Overwhelming support for health-care reform at Rep. Pete Stark’s town hall meeting

My wife and I tried attending Rep. Pete Stark’s town hall meeting on health care, but the room had filled to capacity long before we arrived. The crowd was *overwhelmingly* in favor of health care reform and our representative’s support for it. Of the well several hundred people that couldn’t get in, I saw exactly two signs opposing reform (far fewer than were pushing for more reform, e.g. promoting a single-payer plan). The mood was friendly and non-confrontational, and I had lots of good conversations and discussions with my fellow citizens out on the lawn in spite of not getting into the meeting itself.

Here are some of my photos from the event, and the rally was also diary’d over at the Daily Kos.

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