
A study in CUTE!

This should be interesting:

Designing Cute Interactive Media
in conjunction with The ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems

Cuteness has an effective design philosophy that can be used in many areas to make emotionally engaging user interactive systems, as well as evaluate existing systems. Cuteness can also be included as an engineering design framework that can assist designers and engineers when creating engaging interactive systems that motivate the user in a happy, positive manner.

The main goal of this workshop is to provide designers with a better understanding of developing ways to enhance the positive experience and effectiveness of interactive media by utilizing the psychological and culturally developed effects of cuteness. We would also like to explore a range of interactive experiences involving the idea of cuteness and examine the related components. Based on these experiences, the next generation user interfaces can be built to take advantage of the cuteness factor and its unique effects on the experience which can establish and maintain more meaningful relationships with the users and encourage happiness, self confidence, motivate the user to action, and provide overall positive experiences.

A study in CUTE! Read More »

Big meteor shower Sept 1st 2007

This coming September 1st (Saturday of Labor Day weekend) at about 11:36 ± 20 minutes UT (4:36 am PDT) the Earth will be passing through the dust trail of Comet Kiess, the only known case of crossing the dust trail of a known long-period comet in our lifetime. It’ll create an impressive meteor shower called the Aurigids, since the meteors will appear around the constellation Auriga. The shower will be visible from California, Oregon, Hawaii and the Eastern Pacific, with best viewing towards the East and NorthEast.

Wonder if it’d be visible from Black Rock City?

Big meteor shower Sept 1st 2007 Read More »

Event: Christopher Allen and Michael Goldhaber at BayCHI

Event: Christopher Allen and Michael Goldhaber at BayCHI Read More »

Event: Will Wright (with Brian Eno) at The Long Now

For those in the Bay Area, Will Wright (creator of “Sim City” and the forthcoming “Spore”) and Brian Eno (British musician) will be speaking at the Herbst Theater in San Francisco next Monday (June 26th) at 7pm as part of The Long Now Foundation’s seminar series. Reservations are $8 ($10.50 after fees) from City Box Office, and are highly recommended because this will sell out fast.

(I just picked up my ticket — if you’re going let me know and I’ll keep an eye out for you.)

Event: Will Wright (with Brian Eno) at The Long Now Read More »