Forget-Me-Not Panties

Forget-me-not panties

Wondering why your daughter, wife or girlfriend stays out so late? Wonder no more with new forget-me-not panties, the underwear that gives her comfort and you peace of mind:

These panties will monitor the location of your daughter, wife or girlfriend 24 hours a day, and can even monitor their heart rate and body temperature…

These “panties” can trace the exact location of your woman and send the information, via satellite, to your cell phone, PDA, and PC simultaneously! Use our patented mapping system, pantyMap®, to find the exact location of your loved one 24 hours a day.

Brought to you by The Contagious Media Project, the brilliant minds that also created the Black People Love Us site and the Fundrace Neighbor Search.

(Thanks to Dan on the wearables list for the link.)