Wearable on an iPaq

Every year I think it’ll finally be the year we wearables folk can swap out our custom hardware for an off-the-shelf palmtop with a head-mounted display and one-handed keyboard connected to it, and every year it’s just not quite there. Looks like we’re finally getting there: Kent Lyons from Georgia Tech has now swapped out his CharmIT-PRO for an iPaq.

It’s still not quite plug-and-play: he had to hack the original Twiddler-1 (the serial-port one, not the current PS/2 version) with a different power connector, and the CF-IO card he’s using to connect the iPaq to his Microoptical display has a fairly limited bandwidth, so he had to hack his X server to blit out just the windows changes to the active window. Oh yeah, and he wrote a new Twiddler driver for the iPaq.

He’s promised to put up a how-to guide on the Web soon — I plan to keep bugging him till he does :).